Me Learning GIFs and Kobi being cute!

Hey all! So it’s Wednesday which means that it is again time to ooh and ahh at my super cute puppy. First off, this site is titled Alligators and Aneurysms so it only makes sense that Kobi should have a little alligator side kick. I mean . . . they let me pick out a toy for him, what else could have happened. So here he is with his new friend Al:

Hi Al!

Hi Al!

And now onto the important stuff. I have been trying to capture the little monster on video for some time now. At first, I was just saving everything as .wmv files but as it turns out, you can’t add those to your pages unless you pay WordPress $60 for some add-on. That’s $60 dollars I don’t have nor would I spend. So . . . last week I was in a crunch and posted a video on youtube, but I didn’t feel satisfied. I’ve been on the internet before (I know, hard to believe right?) and keep seeing all of these pictures that move around.

Forever . . .

They just keep going and going and going, on and on, forever! Which is what I wanted. I’ve learned that these are called animated GIF files and that you can make them using . . . Photoshop (oh dear).

This program is even more expensive than the silly WordPress add-on. I was supposed to be able to download a copy through my affiliation with the University of Maryland but I tried and the software package wasn’t working. I was crestfallen. How will I ever create GIFs?! I went online and none of the video-GIF converters seemed to work the way I wanted them to (not to mention I’m pretty sure I downloaded every virus on the internet).

But Lo and Behold! Photoshop randomly started working. I recently updated windows so now I’m wondering if that had something to do with it. I’m also really starting to feel kind of bad for the people working (very hard I might add . . . well at least medium hard) over a OIT which I harassed for the better part of a week. Sorry guys. Anyway, it’s finally here. My glorious GIF! Enjoy.

Aww . . .

Apparently you have to click on the picture. Still getting the hang of this I guess

You should probably go ahead and watch that for a few hours. I’m trying to do a Friday post this week so make sure you’re done by then. Bye now.